VolXkuche – Kitchen for all!

img_8068VolXkuchen (peoples kitchens, free supper clubs or kitchens for all) are especially known from demonstrations to supply up to five thousand people with food. Alternatively you will be able to find them in the courtyards of trendy subcultures in Berlin, Leipzig or Freiburg. Bayreuth also hosts numerous events where social togetherness is key as cooking together brings people together. The food at the VoKu is prepared and cooked by volunteers and everybody invited to share meals with us. We are a group of young people who have already cooked at various venues in Bayreuth, e.g. the former Transition House in the Dammallee.

img_8117The Philosophy

Together is better than alone – preparing food and eating together creates a community! We cook vegan food and use organic and regional food or food saved from being tossed. The VoKu is financed over donations where everyone donates as much as he/she can. However, all in all we have to break even.

img_8094The X

We cook with and for everyone. The X in VolXkuche stands for anti-nationalism – we want to overcome the nationalistic and exclusive usage of the German word “Volk”. The subtitle “Kitchen for all!” should illustrate that as well.

Where & When

We cook every second Wednesday in the TransitionHaus.
You can stay up to date with our newsletter (see below) or the appointment calendar. Sign up here (see below).

Join us!

The VoKu only works via participants. We need chefs and many helping hands for preparations and the subsequent clean-up. Do you also want to put on the chef toque and impress everyone with your best recipe? Do you want to join the VoKu team? Contact us and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

Data protection: We will use data about your identity, which we will get by your request only to answer your e-mail. A request (e-mail to us) is only possible, if you accept our privacy regulations.

E-Mail: vokue [aet] transition-bayreuth.de

VoKu newsletter